Thursday, April 3, 2008

What I Will Miss about Shell

You can walk on the street anytime before midnight and feel safe.

The kids can walk to their friends’ houses safely.

After 50 years of missionary presence, there is a lot of kindness and care in Shell.

The hospital really makes a difference. People come from very far because we treat them well and give good medical care.

I have patients who are good friends.

The weather is great.

The fruits and juices are wonderful.

Beautiful birds.

I can pray openly with patients.

We start every day with group prayer.

The medical students and residents are eager to learn.

The missionaries.

Getting a front row seat to see God’s miracles.

No TV, no X-boxes, and no weapons in neighbors’ houses.

The children’s friends’ parents share our values and standards.

We will miss Shell a lot.


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