If life were a baseball game, I was born on third base. There's nothing wrong with being born on third base, unless I become proud and think that I got to third base through my own efforts. Honestly, anyone who is reading this was probably born on third base, also.
For those of you who don’t know baseball, think of football (soccer) as being born getting to kick a penalty kick with no goalie trying to block the shot. It’s not a guarantee you’ll make a goal, but the odds don’t get much better.
Why do I say I was born on third base? My parents could read and taught me to read. I was born in the
Why else was I born on third base? Despite claims of reverse discrimination against white males, white males in the
I could easily have born to a family in the jungle, where my parents could not read and there are no schools, where a man has to kill or be killed, where girls are married off after their first menstrual period. (I really have delivered a baby from a 12-year-old girl from the jungle.) I could have learned a language that is only spoken in a handful of villages and precludes me from getting a job in the money economy. Those are people are born at bat standing at home plate.
For those of you following the football (soccer) analogy, jungle folk were born at the far end of the field, all by themselves, with all eleven players from the other team trying to stop them from scoring a goal. It’s not definite that they won’t make it, but it’s not likely.
I have a friend who was born in
So now that we all realize that we were born with multiple privileges… (What? You’re still not convinced?) You have access to a computer. You learned to read from your parents. You aren’t in prison or trying to survive from day to day like the folks in
We’ll try again. Now that we all agree that we have blessings we didn’t earn, what do with do with that knowledge? I can’t tell you what God wants you to do with the gifts He has given you, but I can make a couple of suggestions:
- Share. You can share the money you make from what you do with your gifts or you can take the gifts on the road to share them with people who don’t have ready access to those gifts.
- Thank God for the gifts. If you didn’t earn gifts, you can thank the Giver daily for them.
- Avoid pride. If you could just as easily have been born to live you days barefoot in the jungle, don’t feel so smug. Really believe the phrase, “there but for the grace of God go I.”
- Share regularly. If you have money in the bank, or even loose change in your pocket, you are richer than 80% of the people in the world, so share some of that blessing every pay day. Kind of like a tithe. I know we live under the New Covenant, but tithing is one of the best ideas the Old Testament has to offer. God doesn’t need your money, but you need to give it to Him.
So now that we are all on third base, let’s get home well. Now that we are kicking to an open goal, let’s score. God is on His feet, in the stands cheering for us.